Monday, December 19, 2011

Wishing you a Merry Little Christmas!

My first posting! Welcome to That's Woolly Something blog spot!

I'm in the process of redesigning my website, hopefully simplifying it. As you may have noticed, I have eliminated my usual monthly Woolly Newsletters and instead have created a blog. I've always wanted the opportunity to  share creative ideas and photos, as well as, being more interactive.

Like just yesterday, I received a wonderful email from Barb O. She was writing me with a pattern request for a cat. Several of you have actually requested this. After asking her a few questions, she also shared with me what she would love to see in this Woolly Cat. I could see a cat emerging in my mind. Now, I can't make any guarantees, but it sure has gotten me thinking.  

I have been finding as my patterns fly farther and farther away from my Minnesota studio and into your hands, this has become more important to me - the idea of staying in touch. I hope you do too.

So. Where do we begin? Stay tuned . . .


Let me know what you think! Love to hear your comments.